The Summer Vacation - That Lasts a Life Time
Preparation Begins for Students and Parents
Belluno students make Bend their home
Mallory and Jenn Roberts shared their experience with students. Jenn as host mom and Mallory as reciprocal student last year.
2018 Youth Exchange
Bend students enjoy a evening dessert learning about their upcoming summer exchange first in Belluno then hosting their match in Bend.
While the goal of our Summer "Cross Cultural Exchange" is to allow Belluno students to experience life as a Bend teenager host families showed their Rotary match some of their favorite places and activities in Bend.
Six Bend students greeted by host Belluno students at Venice airport. The Belluno group of greeters number more than 20.
Bend students make Belluno their home
Six Bend Students with Steve Lelli, from rotary and Anna Pollino, Bend Belluno sister city group and Ziggy
Sandi and Anna, with 2018 Bend Students learning about Belluno and Italian language and culture.
Reviews -
"Our family had the privilege and pleasure of being a part of the 2018 Bend-Belluno Sister City Rotary Exchange. Although at first I was a little apprehensive about my daughter fitting in with another family
(would she behave, be polite, communicate), and even more so about a stranger coming to our home, I can tell you that this was the best experience we could have hoped for. Our Italian sister/daughter instantly
became a part of our family and we knew from day 1 our hearts grew three sizes. I believe both girls enjoyed their time immensely and truly grew from the experience. It is hard to put into words all we gained from the exchange, but I think we all have more confidence, awareness and aspirations because of the exchange." Thank you to all of the Rotarians who put in countless time and money into making this beautiful opportunity available. Molly Slough, host mom 2018
"I can't say enough positive things about this program and would totally send my child on it in a heart beat. They prepare, travel and exchange as a group, but still have the individual experience of living with their own host family. The relationships with Belluno are fantastic." Jill Trekell, Rotary Program Director
We had so much fun while our Italian exchange student, Gio was here!! We did a few family trips (Portland, Oregon Coast, and Seattle) to show Gio the different cities and a few professional games….and the boys did a lot on their own as well. They did a lot of day trips to different areas around Bend (hiking, swimming, golfing, etc). The group also got together a few times (rafting trip, BBQ’s, swimming). So it went by really fast! I tried to plan as much as we could as a family, but really most of it was the kids planning that morning what they wanted to do (teenagers are not good at planning ahead…haha!). We stuck to our normal schedule and Gio went with the flow on activities, meal times, what we ate - we LOVED introducing him to new foods he had never had….peanut butter was his favorite!! Judi Hein, host mom 2017
Many amazing group trips planned by the Belluno host families and Belluno Rotary club. Kids learn about Dolomites, Vajont Dam disaster in 1963 and group activities. Also visited villa Gaggia in Belluno where history was made in 1943 at meeting between Hitler and Mussolini.
Bend Students Greeted at Venice Airport